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Array groups

Kurt Bieri

An array is a group that duplicates objects in order to achieve a specific number of the objects in question and then arranges them in either a linear or circular configuration at predefined intervals. Arrays are primarily used to generate staircases with measuring surfaces or luminaires that are positioned at specific intervals at different heights.

The array can be applied to individual objects, such as cuboids or luminaires, as well as to groups.

To generate an array, select the object that is to be grouped. Open the context menu with the right mouse button in the scene tree or in the 2D/3D view and select "Create group…/array".

Selected object

Linear groups

A linear array is created with the standard parameters.

Linear array

The following parameters can be changed:

Type: this determines whether the array is linear or circular.

Number: this determines the number of objects that are configured in the group.

Linear: each object is lined up in the same direction with the predefined interval between objects.

Circular: each object is arranged in a circle at the specified starting and finishing angle.

Displacement: this specifies the distance in metres between the objects in the X, Y and/or Z direction.

Rotation: this specifies the rotation in degrees between the objects.

Circular groups

By switching the type to circular, the objects will be arranged around a circle. The following additional parameters can be determined for the circular array.

Radius: this determines the interval in metres at which the objects are to be arranged around a circle.

Starting angle: this determines the angle for the first object. This value can also be negative.

Finishing angle: this determines the maximum angle at which the final object will be positioned. For several rotations, it is possible to enter an angle greater than 360 degrees.

Tangential alignment: if this checkbox is activated, the object will be rotated together with the rotation of the circle.

Tangential alignment  active                                                                                                                                 Tangential alignment inactive

Tip: to have the array run in a circle in the other direction, it is possible to simply swap the starting and finishing angle.

Starting angle 0 degrees, finishing angle 360 degrees                                              Starting angle 360 degrees, finishing angle 0 degrees